Comic book characters as well known as "The Incredible Hulk" or "The Thing" used his powers to defend its beginnings to the Jewish people.
Captain America debuted at the beginning of World War II punched to Hitler himself, and even the origin of Superman is an intergalactic parable of the myth of Moses.
These are just some of the amazing things that raises the exhibition "Superheroes: Secret Identity," which will open tomorrow, Wednesday February 1, at 13 pm in the Library of Espinardo.
The exhibition will remain on display until March 2.
The exhibition attempts to show the Jewish roots of many of the superhero comics from the 30's until today.
Characters like Batman, Superman, Captain America, X-Men, and many others, are drawn by artists of Jewish origin who were forced to emigrate to America during World War II.
The exhibition is organized by the Foundation Sepharad-Israel House, and arrives at Murcia's hand Comics Hall of the University of Murcia who coordinate Juan Alvarez and Jorge Gomez.
Source: UMU