With that provocative title, nine members of the Administration and Services of the University of Murcia is ready to expose his paintings at the Museum of the University of Murcia.
This is Isabel Andrés Cuervo (University Library), Maria Victoria Gomez Moreno (Publications Service), Ana Maria Gregorio Avilés (Section Payroll), Antonio Hernández German (Lab School of Computing), Inmaculada Marfil Fernandez (CAU), Mary Adelaide Martinez Canovas (Planning, Infrastructure and Maintenance), Ramon Montano Yuste (Department of Zoology and Physical Anthropology), María Gálvez Fuensanta Murcia (Secretariat Faculty of Biology) and Andrés Pérez López (Newspaper Scientific).
What paints the PAS?: The answer
The PAS pint, very much.
And to prove it, here are the works of these nine artists who rush to the senses of viewers around tables that have set their sensitivity, their effort and enthusiasm.
Bets are nine different but close in their intent, which brings together landscapes and daily details, gestures bland and anonymous hugs, still lifes that contain within themselves the familiar everyday landscapes happen pompous and splendid alternate skins with anonymous figures who get lost in the horizon.
The exhibition "What looks UMU staff?"
can be seen in the Museum of the University of Murcia (Cartagena Street) from January 31 to February 22.
Source: UMU