Councilman Green IU-Murcia Jose Ignacio Tornel said today that the new council change of position on the relocation of craft vendors San Esteban "ninguneo reflects that these workers are undergoing for years."
Tornel has criticized the government team, the PP, "had no qualms about self-promotion practice of designating the Garden of gunpowder as final site and to convene a design ideas competition for winning sales booths ago months ".
"Now, - said the mayor, the mayor of Murcia declared invalid this solution for unclear reasons, and in any case not credible after the continuous change of opinion."
In his view, "the PP has offered no solutions or traders or residents or citizens" because "instead of reviving and dignify a craft market, a reason that would justify its unique and differentiated treatment, has left by degenerated the lack of specific regulation and control. "
He added: "The ultimate goal of the government team is none other than the disappearance of this market by the dispersion of collective uncertainty about their future and the collapse of their businesses."
Source: IURM