Portal de Murcia


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detail of Murcia


UPyD Murcia adds to the convening of the Monitoring Committee of Recruitment (12/01/2012)

UPyD in the city of Murcia, through his spokesman Ruben Juan Serna, has submitted a letter to the mayor, and mayor of Procurement, Cosme Ruiz, request the immediate convocation of the Special Commission of the Procurement Monitoring the latter presides to both the council concerned, as the officials involved in the case of the opposition explain the current situation.

The news that come to the media about the differences between the City UTE'sy where Romea Theatre and the Pavilion Cagigal defile the institution itself.

Thus, Serna necessary if the government team is sure to have acted properly, to urgently convene the Commission and explain in detail the different processes in order to dispel doubts and suspicions.

Source: UPyD Murcia

UNE-EN ISO 9001:2000 - ER-0131/2006 Región de Murcia
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