The film "syndrome Icaria," written and directed by Juan Carlos Martinez and performed in 2010 in the course of Filmmaking Course VI, University of Murcia, has won second prize at the International Film Festival of Cartagena in section Murcine.
The film is a comedy, with elements of fantasy films and false documentary, which parodies certain excesses of contemporary art.
The crew and the actors is made by the students of the course, which develops Juan Carlos Martinez teaching job.
Professor at the University of Murcia Juan Francisco Ceron is the creator and director of the training initiative that has been held since 2005 in Alhama de Murcia (with sponsorship of Department of Culture), which brings together students from all over Spain spending a week in a shelter house in the municipality.
In the spring of 2012 is scheduled to take place the seventh edition of the course.
Source: Universidad de Murcia