The area of ​​IU-Green Youth in Murcia today considered the council's budget in the industry for 2012 "a new twist to youth associations" of the municipality.
He indicated that the budget for youth services down 249,481 euros compared to 2011, and emphasized the reduction of current expenditure and service goods despite the creation of several youth centers in recent years.
In this regard, he pointed out that "it is doubtful how they are going to keep these centers, and provide them with activity that requires a budget that is not available, so we fear that used for other purposes."
In relation to the decline of the items youth organizations, said that the grants fall more than 100,000 euros compared to 2011, which has added to the cuts applied to these organizations by the regional government.
"Keep in mind that this type of association depends on public subsidies, so it is possible that many no longer able to continue operating," he concluded.
Source: IURM