This program also includes the use of e-learning platforms
The Urban Plan will allow the Holy Spirit neighbors learn to work with information technology and cope with new technologies.
The Governing Board has given approval to the award of "Training program in information technology and communication, basic computer, internet and social networks" that includes the planning, organization and implementation of the training activities, and Care Service and Maintenance ALA Cultural and Social Center Espinardo.
This project addresses directly the entire literate population of the Holy Spirit Quarter Espinardo, in all age groups and in response, especially young people, adults and seniors, with special attention to those who do not enjoy their own resources or lack of basic training.
The main objectives of this program are:
• Encourage the development of core competencies related to Information Society in the neighborhood citizens, increasing their opportunities to access and use the Internet and other ICTs in all areas of your life.
• Provide courses and workshops on introduction to computer science, management of Internet and digital culture, adapted to different segments of the population, including the preparation and delivery of materials.
• Contribute to the location of content or you have any questions that they need.
• Promote the use of e-learning platforms ensuring continuity to the actions and empower individuals.
• Support and promote the development of user documents or certificates of Information Technology, especially the European Accreditation of Computer Management ECDL (European Computer Driving Licence) and others from the Municipal Services promoted.
• Respond to requests and complaints from users, a personalized advising to them in the use of computer tools available to them in the classroom.
• Supervise the proper use of ALA in access to computers, the rules of use, hours, shifts, etc..
• Use software (Web application) reserve management and allocation of seats made available by the Municipal Information Service.
• Resolve incidents, breakdowns or malfunctions that may arise in the ALA, and, for those that can not be resolved, making the diagnosis and reporting to the Municipal Services or Technical Support Manager of its decision.
The investment amounts to 190,000 euros for a period of two years.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia