Murcia University intends to sign an agreement with the organization "Jesus Forsaken" to assist in the relief work and humanitarian development, including the proposal to be made to the workers of the institution to computer behind some of their payroll to destine those duties.
The content of the agreement has been presented at the session of the Governing Council of the University Convalescence held in the building, which indicated that the amount you get "is intended to cover care needs of the growing number of homeless who come to daily at the same facility.
Moreover, the Council has adopted various cooperation agreements will be signed with various agencies, including what will be signed with the University of Granada for the evaluation of lecturers who pursue additional training to obtain the degree in Optics and Optometry and the University of Alicante to do the same with respect to candidates for the degree of Nursing.
The governing body of the University has seen a report that analyzes the level of satisfaction in job placement of graduates and which highlights "the great weight of graduates employed in education and health sectors and the differences according to area knowledge and qualifications. "
In addition, Council members have seen a report of the Vice President of Finance and Infrastructure which analyzes the cash flow problems being experienced by the institution as a result of the delay of the Autonomous Region in meeting its commitments.
The report stresses the need to continue with the policy of saving and spending cuts assumed in recent years and added that the difficulties may be exacerbated next January if the revenue expected from the regional administration do not occur.
Source: Universidad de Murcia