Entitled "Alternatives to the forms of participation and social organization in crisis", a panel will attempt to raise today Monday, November 28, new possibilities of improvement and transformation in this area.
Speakers Antonio Campillo, Francisco and Luis Sáez Jarauta, Dean, Professor and professor of the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Murcia, respectively, along Magnolia Maria Pardo, Professor of Foundations of Legal and Constitutional Order of the center.
The activity will take place at 18'45 pm in the Auditorium Building Rector Sabater (Ronda de Levante), and is organized by the Vice President for University Extension and e-Administration Studies Center and Asefi M 15.
According to its makers, although the current law provides for various forms of participation, "many social groups perceive that fail or are inadequate many of the mechanisms of formal democracy, as shown by the emergence of the social outrage of 15 M" .
This is both a philosophical debate, and legal and political, to try to help find new ways to regain decisional capacity, the growth of inequality or disaffection to political participation among others.
Source: UMU