Portal de Murcia


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detail of Murcia


Miguel Ãngel Cámara, general secretary of PP: "Murcia is the Spanish capital with greater support for the PP" (23/11/2011)

Highlight the increase in the distance with the PSOE, which goes from 35 points in 2008 to 48 in 2011

The regional secretary general of the Popular Party Popular Party and mayor of Murcia, Miguel Ángel Cámara, stressed that the city of Murcia, with 65.44 percent of the vote, "is the Spanish capital offers more support to the PP" .

"Murcia becomes once more in the Spanish capital city of over 100,000 in the PP achieved the best results, surpassing the 65 percent obtained in the last elections."

In fact, pointed out that "even with a smaller share than in 2008, the percentage increases to support the PP".

So the mayor of Murcia has moved to thank the voters and about 3000 auditors and agents "for their commendable effort and work to ensure the proper functioning of the electoral machinery on Sunday, as well as members and supporters PP, which helped spread the proposals of our party. "

Miguel Angel House has presided over a meeting with presidents of district boards and districts, and presidents of the PP in Murcia to analyze the election results in the city of Murcia.

At the meeting, the mayor has stressed that Sunday's elections "has increased the distance between PP and PSOE, which went from 35 points difference in 2008 to 48 in 2011."

So much so, that "the PSOE has obtained its worst result in history, failing 18 percent of the votes," he explained.

Miguel Angel House has stressed that "since 1993, every election day in which the PP has attended has resulted in an increase in support of Murcia, Murcia consolidating PP as the party of Murcia and a symbol of progress and welfare" .

Thus, "about 7 of every 10 Murcian popular trust in the project to overcome the crisis and restore confidence."

"These results, has said, we are working to renew the commitment to create jobs from the austerity, the effort and rigor in perfect collaboration and coordination with regional and national governments," he concluded.

Source: PP Región de Murcia

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