Portal de Murcia


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detail of Murcia


The Socialist Group claims that the doctor of the Albatalía takes more than ten months and bolted closed (10/11/2011)

Councilman Jose Zapata filed a request last October asking the City Council to urge the Ministry of Health to, as quickly as possible, dowry staff and operate the medical clinic Albatalía closed and barred more than ten months despite being completed.

"Poor management and planning of PP claims to heaven, denounces Zapata, closed and other infrastructure to deteriorate due to neglect and apathy."

It is unacceptable-socialist mayor insists that the PP would prefer to keep closed infrastructures necessary for the residents of villages.

This is the case of the social centers of the Azacaya-Beniaján and Dry Corner or the Guadalupe Cultural Center, to name some of the cases reported since the Socialist Group.

Therefore, Zapata once again calls on municipal leaders to accelerate and push the opening to the residents of this hamlet can make use of this medical financed by the Government of Spain through the Plan E, whose construction has cost 400,000 euros .

Source: PSOE Murcia

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