On the proposal by the burial site UPyD St. Stephen's Community Association:
1 - The Association advised by independent professional world of conservation and restoration of archaeological sites, periodically assess the physical conditions of the site, and if at some point this association considers that it is not correct the condition of it, take the measures its power to remedy that deficiency.
2 º-The citizen is not an expert or unfamiliar systems of protection of archaeological sites should know that the site has a protection that lets you stay on a more than acceptable for preservation, during the administrative period necessary to carry out the competition of ideas that are processed at this time, further development of the project by the team that won the contest of ideas and hiring period of the company that performed.
Adding legal protection, as the site of St. Stephen is not only a BIC.
Catalog is also part of Reservoir Conservatives and visits, which makes no sense UPyD proposal.
3 º-The association considers a bad example for citizens, and claims that UPyD.
Murcia City Council, wants to delay the process of enhancement of the site, the recovery of a dignified public space for the city and investment in culture.
Doing the opposite of what it should, try to be dignified, and retrieve a space as soon as possible the historic city of Murcia.
4 º-The Association believes that investment in equity is essential, even in times of crisis, both culturally and economically, since it brings benefits, both cultural (keep our heritage) and in terms of jobs (during the performance of works and subsequent operation of the site tour: revitalizes shops, catering establishments, restaurants, etc..).
5 º-For all the foregoing, the Association of Friends of St. Stephen Field, denounces the political use of the Municipal Group of UPyD the City of Murcia, San Esteban Reservoir during elections.
6 th-Our daily work continued for the whole process of conservation and enhancement of the site is done in the shortest possible time, as the burial site would be his destruction, the forgetting of self and an important part of history Murcia.
Source: Asociación Amigos del Yacimiento de San Esteban