San Antonio Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM) has received, by the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA), the report favorable to the Official Degree in Criminology, framed in the area of ​​Social Sciences, Law and Company, which may be implemented in the UCAM once clearance is received by the Interuniversity Council of the CARM.
This new official title responds to a long tradition of UCAM has been providing the Higher Diploma in Criminology from the academic year 1998/99.
Both the Dean of the Faculty of Law, Francisco de la Torre, as the director of the title, Jose Maria Caballero, have expressed their satisfaction the recognition of these studies, which help to extend the range of degrees of UCAM, adapted to Bologna the new European Higher Education Area (EHEA).
The Dean Francisco de la Torre explained that "criminology as a science that studies criminal behavior and social responses to it, includes a variety of subjects for a comprehensive multidisciplinary training and prediction, prevention, management and resolution of conflicts, consideration of the offense, the offender and the victim in the key sociological, legal, psychological, anthropological. "
Indeed, it has detailed "particularly complements this title, and can be recommended for many students, completing the degree or the law of Psychology."
Moreover, blended methodology facilitates training graduates and professionals.
In this regard, training is an important Grade to continue postgraduate studies such as Masters in Security Science and Criminology, the UCAM and taught in his second promotion.
The Dean of the Faculty of Law, Francisco de la Torre, has stressed that "this title, directed by Professor Jose Maria Caballero Salinas, has a special meaning and relevance for their interest and increasing demand in the labor market."
Source: UCAM