Portal de Murcia


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detail of Murcia


More than 400 children have lost their place in public kindergartens in the municipality (05/10/2011)

The PSOE Councillor Susana Hernández claims that the PP in La Glorieta still make a move for the creation of new places in public kindergartens in the municipality of Murcia, while the number of children left without square increases every year.

"In 16 years of rule by a single square PP more public childcare facilities," reiterates Hernandez, who reports that, on this occasion, Murcia are 426 families who can not reconcile their work and family life by not taking place in Public day care (last year was 390), so the figures go up without the municipal government to remedy this situation.

It also explains the socialist mayor of the 704 applications (many of which are repeated because there are families who are enrolled at various centers), 426 have been dismissed, a 60.51%.

A year hundreds of families, criticized the socialist mayor have no choice but to pay privately or draw on the grandparents or babysitters looking to care for their children while working or seeking work.

"We must not forget that in a city such as Murcia, with the lowest wages in Spain, most citizens can not afford to pay a private nursery school, which costs nearly three times higher than if it were a public "ends.

Source: PSOE Murcia

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