Term is now open for the Federations and Associations of Parents of students applying for grants local municipality to organize activities in schools.
In the 2010/2011 academic year were awarded four grants to the municipality and 65 Federations Associations of Parents of Students.
The Department of Education maintains these subsidies from 1999-2000.
The objectives of these grants is to encourage the participation of all sectors of the education community, promote the formation of these associations to assist in the management and organization of schools and support the various activities organized.
Associations and Federations wishing to participate should prepare a draft activities in accordance with the requirements of the Call Bases (BORM n º 222, dated September 26, 2011) and on the website www.murciaeducadora.net. , being the deadline for submission of applications 20 calendar days from the day following its publication (October 17).
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia