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The City Council presents the brand 'Tourism Murcia' (27/09/2011)

The new image of the Department is shown on the occasion of World Tourism Day Tourist information falls squarely within the major social networks

The City of Murcia has the brand 'Tourism Murcia' new image of the Department of Tourism, headed by Miguel Cascales, with the goal of making it easier for all citizens and visitors to access the municipal tourist information.

This presentation coincides with the World Tourism Day, celebrated today.

The new logo has been designed using the previous one and adding the word tourism.

Also, it has changed the domain of the site of the ancient past to www.turismodemurcia.es www.murciaciudad.es much easier because it is optimized to be located in major Internet search engines putting words Murcia, tourism and tourism.

The website was translated into English, and has now added French and German, and that the UK ranks first in terms of foreign visitors, followed by France and Germany.

Also added some videos in sign language for the page is fully accessible.

The videos are in the Status section, Welcome, The Cathedral, Salzillo Museum, Palacio Episcopal Visitors' Center of Light, Wall Visitor Center Santa Eulalia, San Antonio, the poor and Casino.

The site visits have increased by 29% over last year, receiving about 4,500 hits per month with about 42,700 page views.

The origin of the visits to the web is very varied, received mostly from Spain but also France, Italy, Netherlands, UK, Germany, Mexico, Argentina, Poland, Russia and Romania, among others.

The most visited sections are the Agenda, the video presentation, greeting, Classic Walks Murcia, Special Weekend, the Cathedral, we recover our heritage, Paseo del Malecon, Tourist Map of Murcia and the Museum housed.

The Tourist Information Point Belluga Square appearance has also changed, with new and more colorful exterior decoration on the ground with arrows indicating where to find the office.

In addition, tourism has already launched one of the Tourism Promotion Plan 'Murcia 365' promoting their presence on social networks.

The goal is to reach a large percentage of internet users who use these platforms and convey information at the same time it is produced.

Thus, tourism is present on Facebook, with 14 million users in Spain, Twitter (turismodemurcia), YouTube and Vimeo.

Thanks to social networking tourism have global presence, selling the product of Murcia on five continents.

Social networks represent the most efficient vehicle for reaching young people, and thanks to the statistics and analysis of results is possible to determine the effectiveness of campaigns and actions that are launched from Tourism.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia

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