Next Thursday starts the Feria de Murcia from Murcia Consumers Union of UCE-RM we call on those responsible for the gardens installed booths on the boardwalk to comply scrupulously with both the hygiene requirements, food and personal caters to consumers as to the preparation of their own staff through relevant training and accreditation of food handler card.
In addition, Consumers Union of Murcia-RM UCE calls on the competent authority of the inspectorate to monitor closely the food services in these areas as well as basic hygiene measures.
To prevent food poisoning, UCE-RM recommends taking the following precautions when preparing food:
Wash hands thoroughly after handling money, littering, go to the toilet.
Clean dishes and utensils carefully to avoid leaving traces of other foods
Promptly refrigerate any food you will not be eating right away
Do not give to eat meat or fish that has been refrigerated uncooked for longer than 1 to 2 days.
Do not use outdated foods, or cans that are bulging or notches.
Fruits and vegetables should be washed before eating to avoid poisoning occurring chemicals.
The lids should be exposed in properly refrigerated display cases.
Under current legislation these establishments have to be exposed to consumer prices as well as must have complaint forms.
From UCE-RM is a reminder that in a crisis situation such as we are suffering, it would be a discounted price to enjoy our fairs.
Source: UCE-RM