Murcia City Council is carrying out important actions to help mitigate the effects of economic crisis
The current situation of families with unemployed members has been one of the issues addressed at the regular plenary of the Municipal Corporation for the month of July.
Since municipalities are government closest to citizens, so that efforts to alleviate the difficult economic situation of many families should be many and by all administrations.
The City of Murcia has implemented a number of emergency aid to help alleviate the economic effects on families with unemployed.
Support have been enabled to pay rent, the lease grants free housing, providing a total expenditure of 230,000 euros.
The call for aid has been closed 9 of this month to the general public, but remains open for preferred groups (victims of gender violence, single parent units, large families, disabled and families with dependents and low income families ) and is expected in this call, the priority for those who prove they have been deprived of their residence.
In addition, The council has covered many bonuses of local taxes for 2010 have reached 20 million euros and 121,636 contributors, 14% more than in 2009.
Furthermore, if the taxpayer has difficulty paying, we have developed through a series of ordinances instruments such as:
Custom Payment Plan.
This plan allows the interested to distribute the annual amount of municipal taxes due daily, choosing the frequency of payment between bimonthly, quarterly and annual basis, without entailing the payment of default interest.
In 2011 plans were made for more than 1,200 taxpayers and an amount exceeding EUR 2 million.
In two years more than 5 million euros and 3,500 contributors.
Rescheduled or tax debt.
The Ordinance allows splitting, without limitation, any tax liability and tax, both as an executive volunteer period, without any limit on the minimum or maximum amount to apply.
To 2011se asking for more than 1,500 applications for fractionation and 2.5 million euros.
Accumulated in two years: 4,000 subdivisions, amounting to almost 5 billion euros.
For claims below EUR 18000.00 there is no obligation to provide any guarantee for granting subdivision or postponement.
For debts that exceed this amount, eligible collateral, as well as bank guarantee or insurance bond, mortgage guarantees and the pledge.
The deadlines for grant of subdivisions vary depending on the amount to be split:
- Up to € 3,000.00 maximum period is 6 months.
- 7.0000 € 3,000 to be for a maximum period of 12 months.
- For amounts over € 7,000 the maximum term is 18 months.
If 18 months is not sufficient, the City is taking longer periods to assist the citizen's contribution to public expenditure.
Also, the rules also provides the possibility of delivering security in exceptional circumstances.
But the commitment of the City of Murcia is not there as it has funded more than 28 million public transport since 2008 to reduce the burden of transporting special protection groups as large families, seniors, and making rays available, bus and transportation owl Jesus forsaken those who cover the deficit of the service.
Faced with this major commitment of the City of Murcia, freezing by the Ministry of Finance funds for public transport in cities in 5 years is slowing big difference, because the subsidy we receive no more than 1.2 million per year.
Así, el Pleno de la Corporación ha aprobado los siguientes acuerdo:
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia