Murcia City Council has approved a proposed urgent measures to improve traffic and road safety at the entrances to the mall Shot (the strut) from the A-7 (exit University of Murcia).
The aim is to adapt the current access to the area to facilitate vehicular traffic and prevent accidents, until completion of the final hits.
Specifically, the access from the A-7 to the mall Shot and the University of Murcia (up to Diego Marin), is paved and will also improve signage.
The median will be fixed in order to eliminate the left turn (input the mall shooting), to prevent accidents.
It will install a pedestrian traffic light button and raise the roundabout giving access to the University, its visibility is poor.
Work will begin shortly.
These works will be an interim and that this area has planned a project that involves building a new road that connects directly to the output of the A-7 in the rotunda of Juan Carlos I, which gives access to this area, be parallel to the highway and run along the back of the store Diego Marín.
Meanwhile, another road will be constructed on existing high that give direct access to the mall shooting, from the output of the A-7.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia