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Espinardo begin their celebrations by burning the failure the night of San Juan (23/06/2011)

Maria Dolores Martinez read the proclamation on Monday, at 20.30 pm in the Casino of the parish

The hamlet of Espinardo begins its celebrations tonight with the burning of the fault that the Commission has done occasion Fiestas de San Juan.

The set, made of papier mache, which simulates a village with great detail, it will burn at 24 hours of the morning tonight, in the lot next to the Garden of Azor.

It will then have chocolate for the neighbors.

On Monday, June 27, 20.30, María Dolores Martínez Valverde read the proclamation of the parties, at the Casino de Espinardo.

On Tuesday, June 28, at 19 hours there will be children's games.

At 20.30 hours the children will perform from 3 to 8 years and 8 to 14 years of dance school Studio Gym Donas.

At 22 hours the duo act Agua Marina.

All activities are held at the site of festivals (Azor garden).

On Wednesday, June 29, at 19 hours there will be playground train, in the garden of Azor.

At 21 hours act The Coral 'Eurydice' at the auditorium of the parish of the Holy Spirit.

At 22 hours it is planned and foam party mobile disco in the garden of Azor.

On Thursday, June 30, at 20 hours, a storyteller has been organized in collaboration with the writer Federico villager Montalbán.

At 22 hours the trio act Cocktail Latino, and there will be magic show and humor with Carlos VIRUETE in the garden of Azor.

On Friday, July 1, at 20 hours of board games for all ages.

At 22.30 hours, great magazine Variety, in the garden of Azor.

On Saturday, July 2, at 8.00 pm and the traditional organized hiking trips, departing from the fairgrounds.

A 9 am parade with charamita 'Current'.

At 11 am will open the traditional fair and craftsmanship.

At 13 hours, appetizer Neighbor Day.

That night, at 22.30, will perform the band 'America' and to the humor of 'The Fins'.

All activities will take place at the fairgrounds from the Garden of Azor.

On Sunday, July 3, ending the party with grill and beer tasting in the garden of Azor, from 13.30.

The festival is organized by the Party Commission in collaboration with the Municipality of Murcia Espinardo Neighborhood Board.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia

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