Also provide theoretical and practical training
The City, through the Department of Environment, will employ four disabled.
The Board of Governors approved the award of the Cleaning and chlorinating Feycsa sources, amounting to 69,300 euros.
These four people with this award will obtain employment, provide also the necessary theoretical and practical training, as well as the proven experience to perform these tasks.
This will offer training and theoretical information on this specific matter.
The four workers will have a charge of support and a Service Coordinator in the Special Employment Centre that will facilitate the acquisition and sufficient training to perform tasks that require it, and those issues which are likely to support.
With this contract, municipal sources will be subject to further checks and cleaning.
The works to be carried out are clean sheets, plastics, bottles or any object.
Likewise, control the seamless operation of all sources, conservation of water facilities and corrective and preventive, conservation and maintenance of electrical installations, checking periodically to ensure safety.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia