This work, an adaptation of an earlier group of national significance "Animal house" shows several times a celebration in which various characters (bride, guests, security, service) showing their vision of the current situation
The group wants to make his artistic contribution as critical to the current crisis, analyzing how it affects different social groups, and as an affront
In addition, on Thursday 23 ajva entity organized a traditional Bonfire of San Juan that brings several hundred people in a burned by fireworks
Villa Youth Association of Aljucer involved in play that presents the group "TTT" Aljcer morning.
"The Wedding" is a representation that this group has been rehearsing at the local youth Aljucer recent months, the result of an adaptation of another by the group "Animal house".
At 9:30 pm in the auditorium of the Cultural Casino, will open this representation, under the leadership of Mercedes Imbernón, show when different situations of a celebration in style of a wedding-called " the year. "
Characters of all kinds, from economic and political elite, to guard, cooking and cleaning service, and the couple themselves, give their own version of the current crisis in which we are immersed.
The actors participating in the representation are Miguel Gálvez, Antonio Ruiz, Marisol Horcajo and the director herself, Mercedes Imbernón.
Rounding out the cast and crew have many partners involved in the production, which is open to represent in those places to show their interest in hosting this work.
This play begins at Aljucer Festivals in 2011, which are held every year at the end of June.
This year, after this work will be held three other holidays that will range from children's games, foam party, verbena varieties, performances by local dance groups and dance, and Saturday afternoon the usual parade.
To complete the program on Thursday 23 at midnight, set fire to ajva their traditional Bonfire of San Juan, which is installed in the village for several years, recovering an ancient local tradition that was lost.
As every year, by the youth of the youth center, is installed in the Municipal Gardens, next to the Virgen de los Dolores Street location that opened in the last edition.
The fire is based on a design by local artist Miguel Galvez, and always refers to current issues.
It also includes a fireworks display completes the burn, which often bring together several hundred people.
Source: AJVA