The University of Murcia has introduced a system of consultation on public transport services from mobile devices has been developed for blind or other persons with reduced visibility.
The system, developed by the company ACCESIUM Technology (50% owned by the University of Murcia) and funded by Cajamar, provides information on the schedules of the buses stop nearby the user and assist in monitoring preset itineraries.
During the presentation ceremony, held at the headquarters of the Rectory, Pablo Gomez, head of the project, explained that the mechanism of interaction between user and device is specially designed to allow the use of any application by a person with disabilities Visual reduced or even completely depleted.
The system, said Gomez, requires a GPS geo-both, for GSM networks ", a touch-screen interface to define large controls to improve accessibility, speech synthesis through the loudspeaker or headset that enable the user to listen to the instructions on the screen and receive the resulting information, and wireless connectivity to the Internet permanently.
The function of the system, said project director, is to locate the closest stops the user to indicate the name of the closest to it and report the following arrival at the stop.
Another of its functions is to follow the route of the bus, so as to dictate the routes defined for the user selected to perform, it is guided to the final shutdown, the time remaining for the arrival of the bus and once caught it, it reports the time of arrival at destination set.
This feature requires a personal assistant.
The rector of the University of Murcia, José Antonio Cobacho, and the Vice Chancellor for Business and Infrastructure, Antonio Calvo-Flores, brought to this initiative as an example of social commitment of the institution to make life easier for students with limited visibility.
In line with this presentation revealed that the University of Murcia is the first of the Spanish classroom in number of students with disabilities, with a total of 813 students account for 3% of total enrollment (the percentage at other universities is 0.8%), a percentage exceeded only in the National Open University (UNED).
For its part, the territorial director Cajamar Murcia, Bartholomew Survivor, was the pride of the financial institution to support a "breakthrough product, example of technology to serve the public, which helps blind and encourages further transport public. "
Source: Universidad de Murcia. Fotos: Juanchi López