The City of Murcia is in compliance with the law more strict about the urban classification of soils in the municipality defined in the General Urban Plan (Plan).
According to the Team, Ecologists in Action confused security levels specific to particular soils.
It is absolutely false that the land classified by the General Plan of Murcia as NF1 corresponds to the specific protection, or that all the protected land is qualified as a general system.
Regional Land Law establishes a system of secondments and general systems and allows municipalities to establish the limits to acquire those soils considered more environmental value through purchase, expropriation or attachment to other developable land unsectorised.
Murcia City Council has established a system that allows all public Murcia obtaining a soil relevant environmental values, which would complete the public lands of both municipal and autonomous region, with zero cost to the citizen.
At no time is altered or urban classification of soil, or the degree of protection, just the opposite from the public is guaranteed the enjoyment of such land for all citizens in the future.
Has submitted an application for review 6 years after the adoption of General Plan Adaptation.
Legal Services of the City to consider and respond as appropriate depending on the Consistory and has always complied with the law.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia