Next Monday is the deadline for voluntary payment of IVTM
The next Monday, March 7, will open the voluntary payment period to pay the Tax Motor Vehicle, whose 2011 census this amounts to a total of 324,940 receipts, 1,349 units less than in 2010.
The City paid for this concept 24,002,530 euros.
The tax, updated 2%, below the CPI stood at 3.5% - may be paid on a voluntary basis until next May 5.
Of total units that make up the standard of vehicles, 41,313 will be exempt from tax (2666 rather than 2010).
These are vehicles whose owners have a disability greater than 33% and who have requested before 20 November each year (17,951), more than 25 years (20 178), agriculture (1,141), health (85), buses Urban (203), official vehicles (875) and trailer (580).
Moya-Angel has decided to recall the "green credits" to be launched in 2008.
Some bonuses that reach 30% share of hybrid vehicles (electric-gasoline engine, electric-diesel or electric-gas) and electric motors to reduce CO2 emissions to 120gr./Km.
This 30% bonus applies and the year of enrollment in the next two years.
To be eligible for such bonuses, citizens who have bought the vehicle this year will have to apply to become effective next year, 2010, by 30 November.
The receipts may be issued through the following means:
- In the six management offices and tax collection in the municipality: Murcia: Ps.
Juan González Moreno s / n.
Tel: 968 355 002, Av Juan Carlos I, 4 Murcia.
Tel: 968 271 027, Beniaján: C / Adrian Viudes 2.
Tel: 968 820 049, Cabeza de Torres: C / Juan Valera s / n.
Tel: 968 858 106, El Palmar: C / San Roque s / n.
Tel: 968 379 899, Bacons Bridge: C / Morera, 4 Bj.
Tel: 968 304 138.
- The website of the Municipality of Murcia
- Through the 52 districts offices.
- By fax, letter requesting payment over the phone.
- By e-mail, upon request by phone or through it.
- By calling 902120333, which is answered, there lay the request are addressed early in the morning.
- There is also the possibility of household taxes in any financial institution.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia