The cultural association Avimur university, which helps the University of Murcia, has organized a trip to Las Fallas in Valencia, on 19, for all young people between 18 and 35, with a price of 35 euros.
The trip, which will depart from the fairgrounds Fica at 9:00 pm, includes lunch pack custom, guides, information, city maps and travel insurance.
Moreover, the association held the first draft of its Social Action Programme 2011 "Fool the cold."
A group of 12 volunteers handed out blankets and hot broth over 30 homeless people who survive on the streets of the capital of Murcia.
The initiative will continue during the coming months.
In addition, Avimur also works with the Association of Families of children with cancer in the Region of Murcia (Afacmur).
Source: Universidad de Murcia