The Murcia is situated at the head of the citizens with more centers, cultural and sports service.
The mayor appreciates the work and dedication provided by the 384 chairpersons and members of municipal boards PP neighborhoods and districts.
"Your work, effort and commitment has made possible today to enjoy a few neighborhoods and districts endowed with the best public services," said House.
Murcia is the town halls in Spain with more sports and soccer fields per capita and second in number of pits
No municipality can offer its citizens a network of social, health, cultural and sporting events like the one now enjoyed by Murcia.
This reality has been possible thanks in large part to the efforts made by the municipal board of neighborhoods and districts, whose chairpersons and members of the Mayor wanted to thank his "hard work and dedication that you offer to further improve the welfare of their residents by improving public services. "
This has expressed the Chamber at a ceremony held this morning at the Teatro Bernal of El Palmar, which were called the 384 representatives of the Popular Party in the municipal boards, both presidents governed the PP in 54 of the 59 districts meetings and in the 8-neighborhood meetings as its members, in addition to the council of the government team at City Hall.
"Murcia is now a modern and united city, with more and better roads, with some neighborhoods and districts endowed with the best services, designed to provide excellent quality of life, in short, the place where we like to live," expressed Mayor, who also wanted to emphasize that much of the boom experienced in recent years owing to the efforts from the municipal boards.
But not only them.
Miguel Angel House has also thanked "so many associations and citizen of the municipality for their help in the progress and development of Murcia."
Work undertaken on the basis of the "citizen participation, dialogue, consensus and commitment that have emerged as the foundation of our government action," said House.
For this
As a result of this work, Murcia are available to municipal infrastructure network Murcia placing at the head of the country.
"You can hardly find a town with more public facilities, decentralized and unquestionable quality construction," remarked the Mayor House.
"This is the Murcia of today, the real Murcia in which we live, we love and we want to maintain our traditions and history while we build a future of prosperity and modern," he added.
A network of municipal services consisted of:
- 72 women's centers: 57 in districts and 15 districts
- 76 major centers: 64 in districts and 12 districts
- 63 health centers: 54 in 9 districts and neighborhoods
- 427 sports facilities:
- 32 wards, 24 parishes and 8 districts
- 45 football fields, of which 41 in villages.
30 have artificial turf, 4 and 11 natural grass land.
- 39 pools, 26 districts and 13 districts
- 6 sports, 4 districts and 2 districts
- 59 cultural institutions (theaters, auditoriums, community centers)
- 64 decentralized offices of municipal information, 56 districts and 8 districts
- 57 call centers or classrooms free internet access, 50 districts and 7 districts
The best move districts
Al margen de la red de centros municipales, los murcianos que residen en pedanías han sido testigo de una profunda revolución en su movilidad gestada especialmente a lo largo de esta legislatura.
Los vecinos de Torreagüera y los Ramos también lo saben.
El cierre del Cinturón Este ha mejorado la movilidad de los habitantes de Zarandona y Santiago y Zaraíche.
El carril bici de la mota del río se prolonga desde la FICA hasta el límite del municipio con Beniel.
La variante de Sangonera La Verde, el tranvía y las siguientes fases de la Costera Norte suponen igualmente un hito para los desplazamientos.
In all, the implementation plan for the tram will be a radical change in transport.
Once in service line 1 near future, the project will not be interrupted, as it plans to study the other three lines.
Regarding the lines 2, 3 and 4, in the form of a cross join the cardinal points of the municipality, Espinardo Campus and Los Jeronimos, new developments in the north, Beniaján / Torreagüera / San José de la Vega / Los Garres and Arrixaca / El Palmar, Sangonera La Verde / Industrial Park West).
Sin olvidar, la puesta en marcha de la tarifa plana en el transporte público, que ha permitido que hoy sea más barato optar por el autobús para efectuar los desplazamientos habituales que hace unos años.
Es así para los usuarios en general, pero la diferencia se multiplica si se trata de colectivos como las familias numerosas o los jubilados, que en 1994 no tenían derecho a ninguna bonificación y hoy viajan gratis.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia