Develop their activities in neighborhoods and districts and benefit thousands of Murcia, mainly children and young people
The Department of Sports, headed by Miguel Cascales, supports the work of eight clubs and municipal associations that promote and organize sports events.
These are entities that promote the sport of all kinds, and develop basic sport activities in neighborhoods and villages.
This initiative benefits thousands of Murcia, mostly children and youth.
Associations and clubs that receive municipal subsidies to finance their activities are responsible for initiation sports programs (school sports), equipment maintenance in federated competitions and competitions and sporting events.
In particular, will aid the Handball Club Murcia, 92 Bully Sports Association, Sports Association-El Pozo Murcia Futsal Club Racing Murciano Organizer for the celebration of the XXXI Vuelta Ciclista a Murcia 2011; Sports Volunteer Association, Promotion and Recreation Association Sports CAR Murcia, SKI Association On Line Multi Tennis Federation and the Region of Murcia.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia