The University of Murcia has launched an Innovation Unit which has among its main objectives to promote the use of new technologies in classrooms by teachers and thus contribute to their teaching and research.
This Unit will be responsible for designing a program of support and advice to teachers on the proper use of these resources in classrooms.
The program includes elements such as interactive whiteboards and the design of displays, all aimed at enhancing the educational and pedagogical aspects.
The Unit will monitor the development of the implementation of e-mentoring, launched in the 2009-2010 academic year with positive results.
Another project is to promote the teaching of courses in English, both undergraduate and graduate levels, contributing to the international projection of the University.
As for online teaching, the new service will work to help develop it, with the implementation of projects and multidisciplinary teams to advise, support and guidance to teachers.
The virtual campus is designed not only to teach postgraduates in this way, but also as a tool that can contribute to improving the quality of classroom teaching and to develop projects of inter-university teaching.
Another objective is to continue with the development of OCW site, which is based on incorporating the same materials and which now has recourse to more than sixty courses.
The enhancement of the virtual classroom and video conferencing are other projects including the activities of the Innovation.
Source: Universidad de Murcia