This area of the Department of Employment has responded to 891 people in 2010 and has given 1,172 hours of training
76 users Alquerías Resource Center, to the Department of Employment, Civil Protection and Development Cooperation, who heads Beatriz Hontoria have found employment throughout 2010.
These 49 women and 27 men, mean age 34 years.
Mainly working as administrative assistant, clerks, supermarket, commercial, maid service, cleaning and clinical assistant.
The Centre has sent a selection process to 142 people.
Over the past year, 891 people made use of various resources offered, of which 564 were women and 327 men.
258 users were Stables, 56, Murcia districts, 385 in other districts of the municipality, and 192 villages near Murcia.
During 2010, 43 courses were taught, 12 trade and business area, 16 new technologies, career guidance, 7 and 8 of training and community service, for a total of 1,172 hours of theoretical and practical training.
These courses were attended by 600 people -441 women and 159 men, most between 25 and 45 years.
In addition, technicians at the center have helped to prepare and update Curriculum Vitae 282, 66 students have done internships are unpaid and 1,373 users have used the 15 computers at school to find employment and access to training.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia