On 2 January 2011, the Confraternity of the Precious Blood will celebrate the Solemn Opening of the Jubilee Year has been awarded on the occasion of its sixth anniversary.
That will commemorate the 600 years of the preaching of St. Vincent Ferrer gave rise to a brotherhood of penitents of which comes from the current corporation penitential.
The news was released this morning at a press conference that took place in the Episcopal Palace, which featured the Bishop of the Diocese of Cartagena, Bishop José Manuel Lorca Planes, Big Brother Confraternity of the Blood, D.
Carlos Valcarcel, pastor of Our Lady of Carmen, D.
José Carrasco, and several members of the Confraternity.
Mr. Bishop stated that he asked the Apostolic Penitentiary granting this Jubilee Year, "a grace we have received from the Holy See."
Lorca Bishop explained that despite the problems and difficulties there may have been, "we can say that it was a happy event," which "has invited many people to go in the footsteps of Jesus."
The Jubilee Year will run until November 20, 2011, the Feast of Christ the King.
As reported in the festivities significant as the founding anniversary, the festival of San Vicente Ferrer and the Precious Blood of Christ, there will be special events.
The ordinary Jubilee Mass will take place on Sunday at twelve o'clock and the first Wednesday of the month, quarter past eight o'clock.
Source: Obispado de Cartagena