The last section runs from the FICA completed within the limits of the municipality and is equipped with surveillance cameras, benches and bicycle parking
Murcia has earned a place of recreation, leisure and sport, building the pot to the River Segura.
The initiative will take a bicycle ride from La Contraparada to the limits of the municipality of Murcia Beniel in a safe and comfortable environment.
Are nearly 25 miles of bike lanes of traffic segregated parallel to it and offers a recreation area for citizens, whether for biking, jogging, skating or just strolling on a pleasant and healthy environment.
The Mayor, Miguel Ángel Cámara, accompanied by the responsibility of the Environment and Urban Quality, Adela Martinez-Cache, and the Secretary of State for Regional Cooperation, Gaspar Zarrías, and the Government Delegate, visited this morning the last section built FICA connecting the city with the edge of over 12.7 miles.
Last year we built another bike path with similar characteristics to that between the Paseo del Malecon and Contraparada with a length of 12 kilometers, so that the city of Murcia has almost 25 miles today segregated bike lanes parallel traffic river.
The new route starts at the junction cyclable existing Avenue Bridge on May 1 that gives access to the site of the FICA and incorporated into the speck of river.
From that point passes near the towns of Bacons Bridge, Llano de Brujas, Santa Cruz, Stables and El Raal and ends at the boundary of the Municipality of Murcia, connected on both Beniel.
The cost of the work, funded by the State Fund for Sustainability and the Employment and executed by the City, through Urbamusa, amounted to nearly 1,189,000 euros.
Durante los primeros 5 kilómetros se ha construido sobre los terrenos que se ocuparon en su día para construir una tubería de aguas residuales que llega hasta la depuradora del Rincón del Gallego.
En este tramo, el carril bici es completamente independiente de la circulación de vehículos a motor, ya que en realidad discurre paralelo a la mota del río y no sobre ella.
En este primer tramo, cuenta con 2,50 metros de ancho y dispone de aglomerado asfáltico y paralelo al mismo se ha ejecutado una pista peatonal de albero de 2 metros de ancho con el fin de separar la circulación de las bicicletas y los peatones, garantizando una mayor comodidad de ambos.
Como a lo largo de toda la mota del río existe una alineación de árboles, se ha construido lo más cerca posible a ellos para aprovechar las zonas de sombra en épocas estivales.
Once the bike path reaches the treatment plant the bike path up to the grove of the river itself and continue on it until its end.
The typology in this case is very similar to the previous, but with some differences motivated by the obligation to allow the movement of vehicles carrying out maintenance of river banks.
Has been implemented in this case a section formed by 2 meters asphalt for the movement of bicycles and 1.50 meters wide for pedestrians.
A pesar de que en su mayoría el carril bici construido es segregado del tráfico, en sitios puntuales hay caminos pavimentados que pasan por encima de la mota del río, por lo que en estos casos se ha optado por el carril bici tipo ciclocalle, con la correspondiente señalización y limitación de velocidad de los vehículos a 30 km/h.
In addition to the implementation of bike lanes have been placed 15 banks spread to different parts of the track to allow break times for users, and 24 units of bicycle parkings, located in the vicinity of the FICA, to allow bicycle parking .
6 has also been installed video cameras connected to the facilities of the local police in Murcia that allow constant vigilance to make a recreation area properly controlled and safe, and a post-SOS in the vicinity of Avenue Bridge Miguel Indurain - also connected to the local police.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia