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House defines the sociologist Amando de Miguel as "a voice that tells it like it is" (10/12/2010)

The presentation of the book "Memories and outbursts" that took place this afternoon at the University of Murcia

"It's a voice that says things as they are, that puts both the rigor and effort and knowledge."

With these words has defined the Mayor, Miguel Ángel Cámara, writer and sociologist Amando de Miguel in the presentation of his latest book, "Memories and reliefs."

The ceremony took place this afternoon in the auditorium of the University of Murcia and has had the participation of the Vice Chancellor for Students and Employment of the UMU, Isabel Sánchez Mora, Dean of the College of Political Science and Sociology from the Region of Murcia Javier Sierra, director of Infova Editions, as well as journalist Lola Grace, who was in charge of the presentation.

Following interventions by all, has opened a debate with the participants, among which were the councilors Rafael Gomez and Fatima Barnuevo.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia

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