Team Murcia City Government indicates that the place where the tram garages located in the hamlet of Churra collective facilities is considered because it is intended to interest a public service citizen.
A municipal report justifies this parcel is best suited for the location of the nursery, maintenance of tram units, offices and headquarters of the operating company because it is the only urbanized area in the area still did not have final approval of management, management is pending and is for tertiary economic activity.
In particular, the plot of 28,630 meters square, is defined as public facilities.
The Land Law of the Region of Murcia, 2001 does not include a specific concept on the type of equipment, whereas social facilities is one that serves the whole population or most of it.
With the installation of the tram depot, headquarters and offices of the company provides a public service to residents of the municipality.
It also falls within the municipal powers to decide, within the various possible types of social facilities, to allocate this space to the tram depot.
As an example note that the train station in El Carmen and the bus station in San Andres are located in areas of equipment, according to the General Urban Plan.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia