Until Friday, November 26 in the cloister of the Faculty of Law, University of Murcia, will expose the exhibition of paintings "Metamorphosis XXI", the painter Gabriel Alonso.
In his own words, the artist attempts to mold a modern sensibility myths of the Latin poet, though iconographically conforms to the original lines.
The show is performed on the occasion of the International Seminar "And the myth was poetry, which will be devoted to" The Metamorphosis "by Ovid.
The meeting brings together Hellenistic and Latin scholars worldwide, and is coordinated by professors from the University of Murcia María Consuelo Alvarez and Rosa Maria Iglesias, the Spanish translators of classical Latin.
The exhibition consists of eight tables illustrate some of the most popular myths.
The author will offer a guided tour of the exhibition on Thursday, November 25, at 16 hours.
Source: UMU