"Enjoying a building, a content and an urban environment that is extremely complementary, while in themselves and independently, and well worth a visit is the opportunity given from today All Murcia with the exhibition "Mansions of greatness.
The Spanish convent city, which until Jan. 30 may be accessed at the newly refurbished Bishop's Palace.
The close collaboration of the Council, the Autonomous Community, the Bishopric and CajaMurcia Foundation, along with the work done by the curator, Professor Christopher Belda, "allows the repositioning of Murcia at the forefront of knowledge and history," said House.
The Mayor has attended this afternoon at the opening of the exhibition, along with President of the Autonomous Community, Ramón Luis Valcárcel, Bishop, José Manuel Lorca, and the President of the Foundation CajaMurcia, Carlos Egea.
La exposición, enmarcada en el Proyecto Huellas, abre sus puertas tras las experiencias exitosas que fueron sus tres antecesoras: “Huellasâ€, en 2002, “Salzillo, testigo de un sigloâ€, cinco años más tarde, o, más recientemente, la muestra dedicada al Conde de Floridablanca.
En las tres ocasiones, más de un millón de personas se acercaron a contemplarlas, superando sobradamente las expectativas iniciales de visitantes.
Now, "mansions of grandeur.
The Spanish convent city "offers the opportunity to make an imaginary visit to an equally imaginary Spanish city of the modern age.
The life and culture, mystery and silence surrounding the monastic life are some of the aspects that may discover those who decide to attend the shows.
Durante algo más de dos meses estará al alcance de todos los murcianos la posibilidad de contemplar una selecta serie de pinturas de artistas como Murillo, Zurbarán o Ribera, junto a magníficas piezas de orfebrería, ornamentos, instrumentos musicales y cerámicas, cuya visión conjunta permitirá descubrir nuevos aspectos –olvidados o desconocidos-, de la singularidad de la historia monacal española.
The mission of monasteries and convents, sharing, and the singularities of the convent church, with the possibility of closing access to the portraits of patrons and founders of monastic life, art, documents and manuscripts, etc .- are the stages will be completed the imaginary traveler who trespasses on the exhibition.
If unique is the content of the exhibition, it is nevertheless the place that will host: the Bishop's Palace, the eighteenth century, against imafronte Baroque Cathedral in the heart of the city.
"His recent architectural rehabilitation," says House, "he undoubtedly becomes the most suitable building to house a sample of this nature."
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia