In relation to allegations made by Rep. Andres Ayala CP in the session of the Congress of Deputies today 10th of November from an advertising to announce a cut traffic on the highway A-7, the Ministry of Development of state the following:
On May 4, 2010 the Tramway Concessionaire Murcia, running a tram line that promotes the city of Murcia, the Ministry of Public Works requested authorization to proceed with a series of road cuts on the A-7 implementation of the tram line 1.
On May 20, 2010 the Ministry of Public Works responded that it was necessary to meet certain requirements to undertake a traffic court in the A-7, including inserting an advertisement to inform citizens of such court with the aim of the condition on the movement as smooth as possible.
The Ministry of Development approved the design and content of the ad with the aim that the citizens of Murcia have the best information, both written and visual, to avoid as far as possible the conditions that could pose traffic court.
Therefore, such advertising insertion was not performed by the Ministry, but was the Concessionaire Tram which hired and covered the cost of it.
Source: Ministerio de Fomento