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The Editor of the University of Murcia has published a book about the tragic experience of death (02/11/2010)

The editor of the University of Murcia (EDITUM) has published a book on "The tragic experience of death", which is the author José Hernández Martínez (Murcia, 1957), Associate Professor of this educational institution.

The book takes us through the death as is understood in different cultures and how it has been analyzed by authors such as Unamuno, Camus, Heidegger, Nietzsche and Sartre.

EDITUM has also published "Experiences of Mobility at the University of Murcia," several authors "Nebrija" Joseph Perona, "The animal paradoxical," José Lorite, "Basic Grammar integral Norwegian, Mariano González field, and "Yecla, memories of his identity", edited by Francisco J.

Muñoz López.

Has finally published a new edition of the Journal of Linguistic Research, dedicated to studies in neologism, and a course for learning conversational Italian.

Source: Universidad de Murcia

UNE-EN ISO 9001:2000 - ER-0131/2006 Región de Murcia
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