The Official Master Protocol and Image Consulting UCAM starts this year, with the official rating by the Spanish National Agency for Quality (ANECA), and full compliance with the European Higher Education Area (EHEA).
This is compounded by their already established identity: the quality of training due to the high standards of teaching, and the possibility for students to do internships in the most important events in the region.
The Master is intended for graduates to develop, or will develop their professional work in the field of protocol and organization of events.
Students can apply for state grants to study the Master.
The Masters, which provides an experience of four previous editions as graduate school, has this year with the rating given by the ANECA this course.
The director of the Title, Salvador Hernández, said that "May the Spanish National Agency for Quality under the Ministry, acknowledged the Master Protocol and Image Consulting UCAM as official master, being the only one in Spain in category that has this qualification. "
The added value of this master official, not only signifies their recognition of national and European level after having met the stringent quality requirements that marks the Ministry, but in its educational offerings allows students to acquire basic knowledge research methodologies.
The director of the School of Protocol of the UCAM, Salvador Hernández, stressed that "students who wish to target or complete their qualifications to be a university lecturer, together with the master, obtain sufficient research that will enable them to register your thesis PhD. "
Among the prominent members include faculty advisor protocol to the Prime Minister, Alejandro Arnaiz, to the Chief of Protocol, Ministry of Science and Innovation, Cristina Marcos, and the ambassador and First Chief of Protocol, State, Joaquín Martínez Correcher .
Source: UCAM