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The City Council is legally obliged to present a business plan financial rebalancing (24/09/2010)

PSOE Councilman Alfonso Navarro in the heart of the PP required to fulfill its legal obligation to carry out this plan, otherwise the situation will remain in Murcia Consistory of financial inability, which will eventually prevent access to loans short or long term except with the prior approval of Ministry of Economy and Finance

The socialist mayor Alfonso Navarro reports that, according to the report of the General Comptroller of last July, the city of Murcia closed 2009 with a deficit exceeding 53 million euros (€ 53,492,492).

This deficit, "says Navarro-puts local government in non-compliance with budgetary Stability Act, which requires it to resolve this situation through the presentation of a financial business plan fiscal consolidation with a maximum execution three years.

You can not access to loans

Thus, the councilman of the PSOE, in light of this shocking difference between income and expenditure, will require a whole at the municipal PP to develop and approve the economic plan to address the imbalance because otherwise, "he explains, the Session will financial incapacity for and can not access the credit operations in the short or long term except with the prior approval of Ministry of Economy and Finance.

Forced to present

In this sense, Navarro notes that this plan has already been inexplicably removed from the agenda of the plenary session last July, so that during the plenary session for September is necessary and required submission and approval of that plan if we want to solve the deficit facing the City of Murcia.

And is that the budgetary stability law requires local governments to the annual budget each year to develop in a situation of stability or surplus last year and not dragging a deficit in excess of 53 million euros, the socialist mayor ends.

Source: PSOE Murcia

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