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An investigation of the University of Murcia says that elderly women suffer twice fallen men (25/08/2010)

Women over 65 have almost twice the fall than men, according to one of the conclusions of the doctoral dissertation at the University of Murcia for Zenewton André Gama da Silva, who has obtained excellent cum laude.

The study, led by Professor Antonia Aurelia Gómez Conesa said that while women had a falling density of 82.1 per hundred person years in the case of men stood at 43.3.

The research findings indicate that the physical consequences of falls were pain, superficial wounds and bruises and fractures, which in the case of the latter, only reached seven percent.

The main determinants of these people, add the thesis, are the presence of urinary incontinence, drug consumption and the lack of balance.

Faced with these risks, "the daily physical activity is presented as a protective factor," says the study.

To carry out this thesis, the author followed up for nearly nine months of a total of 275 seniors from ten residential facilities in the Region of Murcia.

Source: Universidad de Murcia

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