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Adolescent males are more authoritative than women, according to a doctoral thesis (23/08/2010)

Young adolescents have a more authoritarian attitude that girls, as one of the conclusions of the doctoral thesis presented at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Murcia by Maria del Carmen Carrión, who has obtained excellent cum laude.

The investigation has uncovered more authoritarian teens living in family environments in which verbal or physical violence is present in conflicts with parents, manifesting through shouting, insults and beatings, or incidents between adults.

The more authoritarian the thesis adds live in families with less control over the use of leisure time during the week, so it is considered to enjoy school and receive help in school activities are two very important protective factors both sexes.

The study also notes that another positive factor in the fight against authoritarian attitudes is to spend leisure time for cultural activities such as reading or going to the movies or the theater.

To do this research, the author surveyed a total of 2,550 secondary school students of institutes of the Region of Murcia.

This thesis was directed by Professors Alberto Manuel Torres and Juan José Gascón.

Source: Universidad de Murcia

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