About 300 people have been trained in the Resource Center for Employment Training and Stables, in the first half of the year.
These free courses are organized during the year on business and self-employment, pre-service training, information technology and communication, and community service.
In addition, traineeships for students.
During the first six months of the year there have been 1,195 performances, including training, business advisory, career counseling, job opportunities, etc.
The center relies on the Department of Employment, Civil Protection and Development Protection, which runs Beatriz Hontoria.
According to data from Alquerías Resource Center, those attending training courses have been 276 people, of which 75.72% are women, and 46.28% are over 35 years.
It has been noted that while a few years the courses were conducted primarily by women, the percentage of men who take courses and go for the first time the Centre has risen due to unemployment and economic crisis.
Moreover, in many cases those taking courses are men over 35 years, people who started working very young, in sectors such as industry and construction, with primary education, and after nearly twenty years working with layoffs and found without qualifications or training to return to the labor market.
During the first six months of the year, 272 people have come first to the Resource Centre to participate in organized activities there.
New users, a 51.99% are women, 15.16% are foreigners and 47.79% are people over 35 years.
A free training courses for the Resource Center for Employment Training and Stables must be added the employment assistance and job opportunities, which helps job seekers to develop their resumes, review job offers received companies in the area who come to find workers, etc.
They also have a point of advising companies, SME INFO point, and provide information on grants, help to carry out business plans, etc.
This center primarily serves municipal Alquerías population (32.13%), Beniel (10.29%), Llano de Brujas (8.79%), Santa Cruz (6.95%), El Raal (5.44% ) Zeneta (4.85%) and San José de la Vega (4.27%).
From September to December this year there will be courses in geriatrics assistant, caretaker, shop assistant, Spanish for immigrants, excel, fundamentals of financial accounting, basic business English, business English medium, introduction to computers and MS Word, initiation to computers, internet, network applications, ordenografía, the company first aid and health and safety at work.
To participate in these free courses must register by phone or at the same center, until the date of commencement.
The places range from 15 to 40 people per course.
Allowed all students to complete the squares of the course.
If you have to select the students, because the applications exceed the spaces, priority is given to the people of the municipality, and evaluate the training course provides students with a view to future work.
The Resource Center for Training and Employment is situated at Bando de la Huerta's Stables.
For more information, please call 968812774, or by mail orientacioncralquerias@ayto-murcia.es .
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia