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Concerts, theater and film to celebrate the summer at the Cultural Center of Holy Angel (12/07/2010)

Cultural Center of Holy Angel, the Department of Popular Culture Festivals and has prepared a week full of activities.

Tomorrow we have organized a concert by soul Reort Tracey.

Wednesday, July 14, it is the turn the puppet show "Little Red Riding Hood 'performed by Teatro Carnations.

This representation is for all audiences.

Thursday, July 15, Alquibla Theatre presents 'The Queens of the Orinoco', a bitter comedy starring Lola Martinez and Esperanza Clares.

On Friday, July 16, will screen the film "Bolt" from Walt Disney, and on Saturday it will be the turn of the film "Gran Torino," directed by Clint Eastwood.

All shows are free, begin at 22 am and held in the courtyard outside the cultural center.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia

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