The mayor Carlos Peñafiel believes that at this time there is a grievance comparative sports disciplines (football, indoor soccer, basketball and swimming) over others (cycling, rhythmic gymnastics, athletics, rugby, climbing, diving, etc.).
The councilman of the orange formation Carlos Peñafiel has asked the mayor of Sports, Felipe Coello, to study the possibility of balancing the distribution of sports grants to make it more equitable.
In the opinion of Peñafiel, "the present call for sports grants shows a comparative offense of some disciplines (football, indoor soccer, basketball and swimming) over others (cycling, rhythmic gymnastics, athletics clubs, rugby, climbing, diving, etc.) that should be corrected. "
"At this time," said the mayor of Cs, "for those who play sports in the best known forms such as football, indoor soccer and basketball are distributed 510,000 euros, and for swimming 100,000 euros;
while for the rest of sports specialties only 40,000 euros, so there is discrimination against all other sports, such as cycling, rhythmic gymnastics, athletic clubs, rugby, climbing, diving, among others "
For this reason, Peñafiel has asked the mayor Coello to put an end to this economic imbalance so that this comparative grievance does not exist between some sports disciplines and all the others.
Source: Ciudadanos Murcia