Ecologists in Action have presented a set of allegations to the resolution on Special Acoustic Protection Areas (ZPAE), Murcia City Council.
The organization denounces that in recent years there has been a great development of infrastructures and leisure facilities in the historic center of Murcia, which has meant an enormous expansion of these activities whose acoustic impacts damage the tranquility and quality of life of the city. citizenship.
They warn that the chaotic proliferation of terraces and watchtowers has caused an increase in noise pollution and the unsustainable occupation of urban public space, which belongs to everyone.
This situation is becoming unmanageable in the case of Plaza de las Flores, Plaza de Santa Catalina, Plaza Cetina, Plaza Cristo del Rescate, Plaza de la Universidad and Plaza de Santo Domingo, just to mention a few examples.
It is also significant that the number of terraces can increase with the semi-pedestrianization of the area of ​​Alfonso X el Sabio if there is no strict and restrictive control of the occupation of public space by this type of hotel infrastructure.
The consequence has been that the thousands of residents of the center of Murcia have seen their rest deteriorated, seriously affecting their well-being and their quality of life, which affect not only people who have to get up early to go to work, but also that of those like the elderly or sick most sensitive to nocturnal discomfort.
Among the allegations presented, the environmental organization points out that the objectives, methodology and duration of the awareness and awareness campaign proposed as a general measure for all ZPAE areas should be defined, with information panels, educational campaigns in educational centers, etc.
The City Council proposes the reduction of terraces and night tables, with a general character for all the zones in 25% a very limited objective, it is necessary to reduce the authorized tables and tables in all the areas by 40%.
The environmental organization also proposes a mandatory review and adaptation of the measures of a general nature for all areas, as well as those specific to the ZPAE for their adequate review and updating, a minimum distance between the existing hotel premises and others that are intended implement in the streets and squares ZPAE and the development of a program of inspection and monitoring of the measures adopted in the resolution to ensure effective compliance with these measures.
It is also necessary to develop in an urgent manner the different Plans for the Use of Public Spaces, mechanisms provided for in the Municipal Ordinance of Terrazas.
The allegations are directed to the control and minimization of the noise coming from the leisure activities, to solve the problem of the chaotic proliferation and without control of terraces and watchtowers and to recover the urban public space for the citizens of Murcia.
Ecologists in Action calls on the city council to exercise effective control of compliance with the licenses granted for the exercise of the activity, in its different modalities, in relation to noise pollution and also in other issues related to any inconvenience that may arise. produce due to excess capacity or non-compliance with schedules.
The recent report of the Ombudsman states that: "It is necessary for the Administration to adopt urgent provisional or precautionary measures and expedite their procedures or seek other formulas."
The Ombudsman urges municipalities to effectively exercise their powers, by controlling compliance with the licenses granted for the exercise of the activity, in its different modalities (not only in relation to noise pollution, but other issues related to discomfort that may occur due to excess capacity or failure to comply with schedules);
and strict control with regard to noise pollution.
Source: Ecologistas en Acción