Mario Gómez: "The establishment of the new contracting system must ensure the good practice of the City Council, eradicate obsolete hiring practices and put an end to the waste without control of public money for the benefit of Murcia"
The spokesman for Citizens, Mario Gómez, has once again highlighted the need to implement a purchasing center to start working with framework contracts that guarantee the efficiency and transparency of public money and to cover the needs of Murcia's neighbors.
Likewise, Gómez has proposed the constitution of a contracting body belonging to the Decentralization service, in charge of offering specialized technical assistance and providing coverage to the Municipal Boards in the contracting processes, thereby complying with the new Sector Contracts Law. Public.
"The entry into force and application of this Law represents a substantial change in the current contracting system.
It is the only way to eradicate obsolete hiring practices and put an end to the waste without control of public money to manage efficiently and transparently for the benefit of Murcia as a whole, "he stressed.
In this sense, the spokesman of the training has ensured that "our obligation as a political group is to ensure good practice in the municipality of Murcia."
"We have been three years," he stressed, "working to make our City Council more agile and efficient, with less structural expenses;
and more transparent, where citizens can know where, for what and how everyone's money is used. "
"So far," Gómez recalled, "we have managed to make the published conditions more rigorous and begin to be audited, something unthinkable three years ago".
According to the orange spokesman, the entry into force of the Law on Contracts of the Public Sector "is an opportunity to get a City Council at the service of the neighbors and not an instrument of the political party that governs it."
"An opportunity that we must take advantage of to end inefficiency, lack of control and unfair favoritism and give way to new, more transparent and efficient hiring processes that guarantee the reduction of costs and the introduction of quality, social and environmental criteria," defended Gómez.
Source: Ciudadanos Murcia