Mario Gómez regrets not having been able to issue an assessment report on the estimation of the economic impact of the burial works on the proximity activities located in the area because we have not been given the opportunity to review it previously.
The spokesman for Citizens, Mario Gomez, today called on the local government, in the successive calls of the Local Council of Commerce, to include all the reports to be debated on which a position must be fixed.
"Today, for example, we have not been able to issue an assessment report on the estimation of the economic impact of burial works on proximity activities located in the area because we have not been given the opportunity to review it previously."
Regarding the draft of the call for granting subsidies, Gomez explained that a maximum amount of aid of 2,000 euros is established, without prior justification of the estimate of the damage caused;
as well as an allocation of 300,000 as the total amount for this call, established unilaterally by the local government and equally lacking objective criteria, issues that we do not share.
Likewise, he added, if the proposal to maintain the maximum limit of € 2,000 per trade is maintained, instead of establishing a percentage by area and sub-area of ​​the total amount of the damage declared, our vote will also be unfavorable.
Considering how it is proceeding in the aforementioned Local Council, in the opinion of the orange training spokesman it would be advisable to establish a road map so as not to act with improvisation.
So he has proposed a series of steps to follow:
1. Calendar of the Action Plan to meet the objectives of the Local Trade Council.
2. Approval of the damage area or Area of ​​Potential Direct Impact (APID).
3. Determination of the subzones for the assignment of compensation, as well as the application and intensification of the actions that are necessary to carry out in each of them.
4. Approval of the allocation model of the amounts.
5. Quantification / economic estimate of the Impact, which will be corrected annually based on the data obtained periodically, especially taking into account that the situation that arises is neither for one, nor for two or three years.
6. Budgetary appropriation in the 2018 budgets;
and if they continue to extend the modification so that a game that covers the actions Local Council is contemplated.
7. Preparation of projects to attend the call for aid that the CARM will release in a few months for the rehabilitation and modernization of buildings, facilities and markets ..., improvement of weekly markets, street vending ... and reactivation of Open Shopping Centers.
8. Creation of a Marketing Plan and start-up of an Open Shopping Center, with the objective of preventing the affected neighborhoods from becoming marginal or marginalized areas.
For this it is necessary to raise, in addition to the modifications of the public transport lines, modification of the circulation directions, as well as an improvement of the road infrastructures, creation of specific parking areas to facilitate access to the shops and start-up of campaigns of image and organization and coordination of the commercial activity between the different associations.
"It is our obligation to make a virtue of necessity and to prevent neighborhoods affected by underground works from becoming a depressed area. To do so, we must have a broader vision and make proposals for the future, not short-termists," he concluded.
Source: Ciudadanos Murcia