The next Thursday 15th premieres at the Romea Theater in Murcia, a new co-production between the company Ferroviaria and Theaters of Murcia, which will also be performed on Friday 16 and Saturday 17. The text chosen for the occasion is the Greek classic Antigone, brought to our days by the adaptation of Paco Maciá, which has the music of El Niño de Elche and the scenery of Ángel Haro.
The work raises the myth of the woman who is torn between the natural human right and the laws of the state, an eternal dilemma in every society.
The story centers on King Creon's prohibition of burying the dead in battle of a devastating civil war.
Antigone, ignoring the advice of her sister, the fearful Ismene, faces the political power trying to bury her brother Polinices, who was rotting outside of Thebes.
Pressed and locked, the pleas of her fiancé Haemon, son of the king himself, are of no use.
The version goes through the very diverse readings that have been made of the work from its original Sophocles to the most current of Brecht, Anouilh, Marguerite Yourcenar, Griselda Gambaro or María Zambrano.
Historically, Antigone has remained as a paradigm of the woman insubstantial, incapable of accepting injustice.
That is why it has been revisited over the years by dramatists and first level directors.
Paco Maciá has approached the present by rescuing texts from journalists, actors, defenders of our Historical Memory, and politicians, such as Bashar Al-Assad, so that the values ​​of the myth are in keeping with a reality that is repeated timelessly: the cruelty of war and the absence of justice for the losers.
Ferroviaria uses for the staging the languages ​​that are proper to the company, such as the precision of physical actions, the solid vocal work, the strength of the images, devoting a wide attention to music and dance.
The start time of the representation of the three days is 21 hours and tickets can be purchased on the web or at the theater box office for 12, 15 and 18 euros
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia