Students of 5th and 6th grade of Primary Education and 3rd of ESO of Santa Joaquina de Vedruna School of Murcia have launched a campaign to raise awareness among parents and teachers about the donation of blood and bone marrow in a day they celebrate tomorrow Tuesday.
The activity is part of the school's learning and service program, and will run from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
With this project, in which the Regional Hemodynamics Center participates, it is intended that students learn and understand content and values ​​such as altruism, through the dissemination of the need to donate blood.
Throughout the course, students have learned about blood and donation and to communicate valuable messages, create materials to promote donation, and support the promotion of health in their immediate environment.
To promote this campaign they have published a video about blood donation.
In the morning, participants will learn to evaluate all the activity, as well as to thank and value the results of the campaign, in order to combine the learning of knowledge and skills with the service to the community.
The campaign has been carried out for three weeks, in which the Hemodonation Center has offered talks and the children have created posters, videos, bookmarks and other materials.
These tasks culminate tomorrow with a day of blood donation in the school.
The director of the Regional Blood Donation Center, Dr. Vicente Vicente, said that "it is vital to continue sensitizing the population to incorporate young people into the blood donation, an act that is ultimately a civic responsibility to advance our health system."
In this regard, he underlined the impact of the visits to the different schools in the Region, where the blood donation is presented "as an everyday act in our lives", adding that "the incorporation of young and healthy people into the blood donation".
Schedules for donations
All the information related to the schedules and appointments for the blood donation can be consulted in the web and in social networks, where day by day the donation needs are informed and places where to do it.
The requirements to donate blood, points out Dr. Vicente, "is fulfilled by the majority of the population, since it is only necessary to be between 18 and 65 years old, weigh more than 50 kilos and be in good health".
Therefore, it encourages all citizens of the Region to join the blood donation.
Bone marrow donation
The director of the Regional Blood Donation Center also highlighted the close and continuous collaboration with the Spanish Foundation against Leukemia since the creation of the center.
In 2017 there were 5,538 people from the Region who became bone marrow donors, becoming part of the Spanish Bone Marrow Donor Registry (REDMO).
In total, there are already more than 20,000 Murcians who have registered with REDMO to donate, which makes the Region lead together with the Community of Navarra the marrow donors in Spain.
The requirements to become a bone marrow donor are between 18 and 40 years old, healthy, not suffering from any autoimmune disease and not having been definitively rejected as a blood donor.
Source: CARM